Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Adventures in Self-Portrait Shooting

So this year, with Christmas craziness already looming, I decided we needed a head start on our family photos (ok, ok ... I might have also been inspired to get them sone before a certain online canvas sale ended ... just maybe)

Last year we had our photos taken by a professional photographer, and loved them! But, this year we decided, no new kiddos = no paying for Christmas pictures this year. So, I drug out my tripod, got new batteries for my camera remote shutter release, and started scheming.

I had originally planned to add another location to our shoot, since I have a weakness for grassy fields and sun flares, but as fate would have it, it was (of course) overcast a bit the day we shot... sigh ...

It did turn out to be a whole lot of fun, even though it took about twice as long as it would have if I had not been in them ... but where's the fun in that?

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